100-Hour Yoga Training in goa

The100-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (Pre-YTTC) is part of the200-Hour yoga teacher training program offered atShivoham Yoga School. This is a short-term yoga course for the students who can’t complete200-Hour yoga teacher training course in the traditional four weeks.

Shivoham Yoga school offers you the opportunity to complete the200-Hours Yoga teacher training course in two sections. These two sections must be completed within the year of commencement and the200-Hour YTTC certificate will be awarded to the student once all the required hours, assignments and examinations are successfully completed.

The course syllabus follows Yoga Alliance Professionals200-Hour YTTC standards includes Ashtanga, Hatha Yoga classes, Anatomy, Philosophy, Meditation, Mantra Chanting & Kriya Yoga.

On completion of the first 100-Hour YTTC syllabus, You will be awarded certification of 100-Hour Yoga teacher training course program.


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